Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life Artist Canvas Album

Attending the advanced class of my buddy, Ria Nirwana, was such a great time. The class was Life Artist Canvas Album.

A folded album about our activities and artworks as an artist. Consist of 5 sheets of canvas which are tied together with some threads, this album is very beautiful. I really love the end result. As for the orange box is the album protector.

Look at the colors! They're sooooooo bright and playful !


Ita said...

Bagus Dhan ... i like it ...

Ria said...

Mba D....baguuuus banget. Bener dech....empat jempol.... Ngga sia2 ya, menyelesaikannya dengan tenang di rumah...hehehe......:)
Btw, your pics in this post improve a lot....we can see the details now :)
Keep on the good work yaaaaa.......

Anita Abdulkadir said...

Bagus banget dan, jadi nggak sabar buat nyelesain yang punya gw deh......

liasutra said...

mbak dhani sumpah keren abeeeeessss, aku dah selesai tapi gaptek, mau diupload kok susah bgt yaaaah....

Chiquita Elaine said...

Mbak Dhani... baguus banget. Jadi terpacu nih buat nyelesain :)Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the encouraging comment, Mbak!


Mba Dhani....!!! Ckckcksss....TOP banget!!! =DD